Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Two Small Dogs and One Small Chair

I have always had a soft spot in my heart for furniture that is two sizes too small. When I was a kid, I wanted an entire set of furniture that was just my size. And now, I want a entire set of furniture that is one fourth my size.

Today, we saw this lovely little chair and my imagination took off...

Two dogs and a chair 3

Usually taniaWorld™ is pretty far from reality, but this idea seemed doable.  Once the thought had crossed my mind, I just couldn't leave without the chair, now could I?  Big thanks to Debbie for helping my tiny chair dreams come true.

A fluffy dog and a chair

Mosley and Lola were happy to test out the chair for us.  Mosley can be seen surveying the yard above.

A tall dog and a chair 2

Queen Lola commanded cuddles and delicious food for all the kingdom.  But this peace would not last long...

Two dogs and a chair

Only one can rule in the game of thrones... (the rest of the shoot is on Flickr.)

From a photography stand point, I think the focus ended up being a bit soft on these pictures.  But, I like them so much, I did my best in post and hoped they would be good enough to share.

I also probably ought to mention that the chair featured here is not even a kid's chair--the owner of the furniture store informed us that it is an African Birthing Stool.  If you know me, you can probably imagine the look on my face and the internal "ewwwwwwww!" I had to suffer through to still love this chair.

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